Overcoming Embarrassment and Shame Using Inner Child Work

episode summary

Learn the real cause of embarrassment and shame and how to overcome these powerful feelings using Inner Child Work.

Are you embarrassed or ashamed of something you have done in the past and just cannot let go of these feelings or shake them off?

Perhaps you get embarrassed easily, and this cripples your self-confidence and ability to speak your mind and express yourself?

In this teaching, you’ll discover how your mind works when it comes to embarrassment and shame, the root causes of these powerful negative emotions, and how to overcome them.

Episode highlights

  • What are embarrassment and shame, and why do we experience these feelings?
  • How childhood experiences can impact our feelings of embarrassment and shame as an adult.
  • Why inner child reparenting is required to break the cycle of embarrassment and shame.
  • Techniques to help you reparent and emotionally educate your inner child.

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Disclaimer: This show episode and any associated teaching and comments shared are not a substitute for professional therapy, mental health care, crisis support, medical advice, doctor diagnosis, or professional healthcare treatment. Our show episodes provide general information for educational purposes only and are offered as suggestions for you and your professional therapist or healthcare advisor to consider and research.