How to Overcome Inner Child Sadness

episode summary

Learn how to support and heal your sad, lonely and withdrawn inner child…

In this episode, we explore how to comfort and support your sad inner child.

If your inner child is upset, lonely and withdrawn, this will have a profound impact on your life, your relationships, and your future potential.

In this teaching, we reveal the root causes of inner child sadness and the practical steps you can take to release your inner child from this emotional prison so you can be happy, healthy and in your flow.

episode highlights

  • What are the signs and symptoms that your inner child is sad and lonely?
  • What are the causes of a sad and withdrawn inner child?
  • What are the practical reparenting steps required to heal your inner child?

extra resources

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Disclaimer: This show episode and any associated teaching and comments shared are not a substitute for professional therapy, mental health care, crisis support, medical advice, doctor diagnosis, or professional healthcare treatment. Our show episodes provide general information for educational purposes only and are offered as suggestions for you and your professional therapist or healthcare advisor to consider and research.