how to let go of old hurt, abuse, injustice + unfairness

Jan 28, 2018 | Other Popular Teachings


Are events from your past impacting your current health, happiness and flow?

Holding onto old hurt, abuse, injustice and unfairness locks you into a harmful prison of your own making. In EPISODE #34 of our Walk the Wu Wei video series we explain why and the essential steps you can take to positively move on with your life today.

You’ll learn:

~ how to identify when historic or childhood events are still anchoring you to the past and impacting your life today

~ why holding onto past hurt, abuse, injustice and unfairness is a damaging form of self-harm

~ what happens when you begin to let go of past events and the benefits for your health and happiness

~ what REALLY stops you from releasing and moving on: demystifying self-denial, emotional avoidance and the perceived ‘pay-off’ for holding on

~ the tricks and illusions that your Human Centred Mind (Ego) plays to stop you from letting go of past hurt, abuse, injustice and unfairness – and how to break the spell once and for all!

~ how to interpret the emotional and spiritual lessons offered by challenging, painful and traumatic life events, and use them as a positive tool for self-empowerment and emotional freedom

~ practical strategies and tips to help you let go of old hurt, abuse, injustice and unfairness so that you can begin to authentically flourish and grow.

watch the video teaching

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